The African Centre for Migration & Society
is Africa’s leading scholarly institution for research and teaching on human mobility dedicated to shaping global discourse on human mobility and social transformation.
Latest from ACMS
Our Research Themes
Representation & Knowledge Production
Concerned by the multiple intersecting factors associated with power and representation in research, this theme aims to experiment with different approaches to the study of migration.
Socio-Spatial Transformations
The movements of people create new social spaces while potentially transforming the institutional, economic, and physical infrastructure around them. Informed by comparative politics, human geography, and sociology this theme explores the constitution of social subjectivities and citizenship across a diverse of African sites which are origins, stations or destinations for people on the move...
Regulation of Law & Policy
This initiative seeks to understand the de facto regulation of territory and people in spaces characterised by on-going mobility and heightening socio-economic heterogeneity...
Production & Livelihoods
Migrating for work remains the most common form of international mobility in the world. Although Southern Africa has a long history of formal labour migration regimes, contemporary forms of movement are diverse, and complex...
Unhealthy Migration
Investigating migration as a key determinant of health and well-being in Southern Africa: The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is a region associated with high rates of population mobility...